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084 - The Vibrational Resonance of Truth


Hey Guys! Nicole here!

I’m gonna get a little “woo-hoo” today. I’m taking this topic of truth a bit deeper as it seems I’ve opened up my intuitive nature once again. I do believe this all relates to book writing, as so much of the journey an author goes through is a battle of mind and presence. So, without further adieu, lets get into todays show about the vibrational resonance of truth…

Science, through Quantum Physics, is showing us that everything in our universe is energy—it has its own vibrational frequency.

Perhaps you have heard of the Law of Attraction? There is also the The Law of Vibration. Everything has its own vibrational frequency - the table, the cup, the vase - even our thoughts and feelings. It is all governed by The Law of Vibration.

I began to wonder if truth could be measured in some way and as I was meditating I heard my inner voice speak to me loud and clear that truth has a vibrational resonance. I know enough...

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083 - A Book Makes Opinion Fact


Hey Guys Nicole Gabriel here!

A book makes an opinion fact…have you ever thought about this? I mean really thought about this? When something is written it seems to be accepted in mainstream culture as fact. Something gets debated and well…so-and-so said it was true…see, it is written here. A quote seems to be gospel for truth, even though it’s simply a personal thought captured and repurposed. We all toss around these meme’s on social media like some kind of gospel for inspiration, motivation, or to provoke deep thought. But, how many of us are original thinkers with original thoughts and opinions?

Those that really take the time to get to know me know that I’m not the fun-time girl some would like to make my out to be. I’m blonde so I guess that comes with the territory. It’s been a battle I’ve fought my whole life…people that want to make you into the likeness that fits for them. I know from a more advanced and...

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082 - Standing for Truth


Hey guys! Nicole Gabriel here. As some of you know, my first book is titled Finding Your Inner Truth and in my book I share what became true for me during a period of time in my life. Throughout the book I tell my stories and ask the reader “what is true for you?”

The concept of truth I believe is based on our personal experiences…what is true for you may vary from someone else. These days it seems we are all asking what is true. For me (many years ago when I wrote my first book) when something was outside of the norm and different from what I was expecting or used to I began seeking answers. In many cases, especially early on, I went seeking outside of myself for these answers.

Why did this happen? Who is to blame? Why didn’t I know? Who’s responsibility was it to tell me? Do other people know this? If so, where are they and how do I find and unite with them? And what code of ethics or system can I apply my new found truth to? And, once I...

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077- Do You Need Permission to Write Your Book?


No! No! No! No! No! You do not need permission to write a book!

You Guys want to know my most popular podcast episode? It’s the “Done Is Better Than Perfect” Episode!

Why Guys? Why? Seriously…why?

Before we get going to far along here, let me introduce myself… I’m Nicole Gabriel, the founder of the Let’s Get Your Book Published Program and former reluctant author of my first book that was ten years in the making…ten years you guys! And once I gave birth to that baby I gave birth to three more. I gave myself permission. And you know, I actually waited not just ten years to birth my book but during the editing process I was waiting for someone to tell me I had done a good job or to tell me “you can’t write that!” Or “fix that because it’s not perfect and someone will judge you!” And let me tell you that my first book was completely judge-worthy! I spilled the beans in that baby! I put myself...

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052 - Why Every Bestseller List is Always a Lie!

bestseller truth Jun 19, 2020

Hi Guys! Hope you’re doing well and you’re hanging in there during these historical times.

As someone that is empathic and has studied a multitude of metaphysical and spiritual practices over the years I have a few habits I have developed. When I wrote my book Finding Your Inner Truth I knew that to master something was to teach it. I assumed as a writer I would also be asked to share what I wrote…perhaps the role of a teacher. I guess you could say that I was (and still am) seeking to master my truth. For me, truth has always been what is true for me and based on my personal experiences.

When I begin any new client project I hold each moment in a sacred space. I understand that, for most of my authors, writing a book is a bucket list item and one that is cause for great celebration. I cry right along with each author as they move through the process of writing and publishing their book. I celebrate their victory right along side of them. I know what it...

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051 - Oh No You Didn’t!

criticism truth Jun 15, 2020

Hey Guys I’m gonna jump right in here today!

What’s got you pissed off? Are you so tired of the neigh-sayers? Are you so tired of the division and the arguing? Are you even more tired of not shining as you stand in your truth?

If you know me, then you know I’m my clients greatest advocate for speaking, living, and being in their truth. It’s what my first book (Finding Your Inner Truth) encourages in fact.

In my many years of study as a yogi and shamanic healer I have learned such wonderful foundational lessons for removing ego, standing in a place of non-judgement, and tearing down the barriers and obstacles that are keeping one form shining in their authentic self. 

As a writer, the world is our oyster as they say…we can cultivate either an imaginary reality or showcase our empowered self through the power of the word…your word! 

During these challenging times I’ve been judged as “white privileged” by someone...

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048 - Why Not to Use a Publisher


Hey Guys! Nicole Gabriel here!

One of my more popular episodes was one of my first…”Are You Holding Out For A Publisher?” 

We’re going to go a bit more in depth on this today. 

Here’s what it really comes down to…do you want to be an author or a writer of a book? Myself, I prefer to work with writers of a book. There are other coaches that will work with novel and fiction writers. As a book cover and layout designer I can do both and my system will get any book published. But, my strength is working with people that are already successful in their day job that are looking to add a book to their overall business plan.

Back in 2013 Forbes contributor Nick Morgan wrote an article. He began with “Here’s the problem with self-publishing: no one cares about your book. That’s it in a nutshell. There are somewhere between 600,000 and 1,000,000 books published every year in the US alone, depending on which stats you...

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042 - Using A Book to Position You As An Expert in Times of Change


Hey Guys! Nicole Gabriel here!

Have you been watching everything going on in the world and you want your voice heard? Are you an expert in something but you’re lacking the necessary crowd-pleasing credentials? How many times have you looked at the state of our world and said “somebody should do something!” And then you are literally aching inside that no one has. You’re likely a way-shower, a light-bearer, a change-maker.

You have watched people stand up with a voice and  a strong opinion but what turns it from an option to a fact or better yet…what makes them an expert?

You know, during this last few months I told a few people that I believed I may have come in contact with this COVID virus and there were times I was very ill over the last few years. I had friends that doubted me until they read an article stating that it’s possible the virus has been around a lot longer than originally predicted. So what they read gave them the...

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Show up with Truth!

As the Let's Get Your Book Published program begins to launch and content is rolled out over the website, social media, podcasts, and YouTube videos a transformation of self is happening on a grand scale. As many writers do, we bounce between fear, faith, stepping into our authenticity, and toying with how to represent ideas in a more hypothetical "it wasn't me" know what I mean if you are a writer, you also know if you are an entrepreneur. 

Sometimes God gives us a gift to share and we feel so compelled to do it that we must write, build our business, share our "thing"'s the longing to step into our truth. 

Ernest Hemingway said:

"All you have to do is write one true sentence. Write the truest sentence that you know."

So, let's start there!

The birth and the growth of this program and its accompanied book were a true labor of love with the ultimate divine inspiration. This program was birthed through many trials and stands today as an accomplishment for its...

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