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SPECIAL: Author Interview - Davide Di Giorgio


Nicole (00:02):

Today we have a special author interview. I worked with Davide back in 2018 on his book Being Unapologetic, empowering you to become an influential speaker and visionary leader. I've invited authors I've worked with over the years to join me in a new series of shows where I will be interviewing them as we talk about what their book is about, how the book has helped them personally or professionally and where they are now. The thing I love about doing these interviews the most is really getting to know my clients and of course sharing them with you because honestly I love them all. I am definitely my client's biggest fan. Davide Di Giorgio is a speaker, international bestselling author of being unapologetic gen Z advocate and the founder and host of unleash your story, a storytelling for the greater good movement, his Ted talk, Overcoming Comparanoia is fueling a mission to empower people, especially young people, do compare last, celebrate more and just spread kindness to all Davide's work and message have been featured around the world on stages, podcast, radio and national media. He's been featured on TODAY parenting and the hugely popular scary mommy blog and on the shameless mom Academy podcast to name a few. Davide is on a mission to tackle bullying, to build mental wealth, confidence and self esteem while funding dream projects for high school performing arts students and teachers originally from Toronto when he's not traveling around the world speaking or enjoying a dream trip. Davide now lives in his dream city, San Diego. Please welcome Davide Di Giorgio.


Nicole (02:17):

Hi Davide, welcome to the show.


Davide (02:20):

Thank you so much for having me, Nicole.


Nicole (02:22):

Absolutely. Well I can I just say that it has been so much fun to watch you. I sit and I watch all of your, your videos and your social media and I have watched you become a best selling author. I have watched you get on stage to do yours, headaches talk. And I am watching you inspire the young people and you are such an inspiration. And first I want to get you talking about your book and then I'm going to ask you all kinds of other stuff to tell us how this wonderful stuff you're doing this tell us about your book, the unusual title and what you're doing with it.


Davide (03:03):

Thank you. And thank you for the reminder that it looks like I'm having fun. Cause sometimes I forget that. So your other people on the outside tell me, it looks like you're having fun, enjoying what you're doing is like, yeah, I actually am because I'm doing what I absolutely love being unapologetic the book. I thought I would never write. I, I didn't know that I would ever write a book. I guess you probably work with a lot of people like that. Um, and one day, you know, I just stumbled across somebody who was like, you should write a book. And I'm like, I should, what should I read a book about? And as I started to search my soul, I realized that, um, and it was kind of funny for me. Maybe. Yeah, I guess I had fun writing the book in the sense that being unapologetic is basically a reminder to myself as a Canadian, as a child of immigrant parents to stop apologizing for everything cause it's so ingrained in who we are. And so I thought maybe if I write a book then I won't forget and I'll actually step into that way of being, being unapologetic but not like I'm not talking about, you know, middle finger being unapologetic. I'm talking about like just really staying true to who you are, celebrating who you are. And actually it's funny, I say so much of my platform now has become about celebration. And it's funny because the first line of the book is life begins with celebration. And little did I know that that little inspired first line in the book would become sort of the deeper work that I'm doing with the book now. Um, but yeah, writing the book was such an amazing experience. I, it all happened within sort of a year timespan and um, the book itself, for those of the people who are listening who aren't sure if they're going to write a book, I actually wrote most of the book during um, uh, a Pacific crossing from Japan to Alaska on a cruise ship. There were eight days at sea. Yup. And I wrote most of the book on that eight day crossing and I'd say like 85 to 90% of it was written in that time. And I remember thinking, because I had an editor that we both love to work with and I remember sending this stuff to the editor, to Tyler and I was like, I apologized, which I think is very funny. Tyler, I'm not sure if any of this is any good or I have no idea. So I'm really sorry that you have to deal with this, but here you go. And I was kind of like, you know, you had the person, something that you run away. That was me. I did the same with my first book and Oh gosh. And it was funny, like a couple of weeks later, whenever it was that he got back to me after the first revision, he said, no, this is really good. You know, I was looking through the red line version of it and there weren't, there wasn't that much. And I thought, wait, did you actually go through this? He said, no, this is really good. I really got a lot out of your book and you did a great job. And I thought, wait, are we talking about the same? Yeah.


Nicole (06:03):

Ah, yes, yes. I did the same with Tyler and I went, Oh God, Oh God, here it is. Just, just take it.


Davide (06:10):

So it was such an amazing experience because I actually do believe, um, you know, when I work with young people or even just adults, um, and I coach them, I'm always saying like, whatever you're experiencing yourself is sort of where you're at. And that's the lesson that you need. And me writing the book about being unapologetic was totally allowing me. It is the vehicle that allowed me to step into my own identity, who I am, the work I'm up to in the world, the bigger vision of my life. So I mean, I highly recommend it if you haven't written a book, go do it. Even if it's a short, it doesn't matter how long the book is, but sit and write something. There's people waiting to hear your stories and your lessons for the world.


Nicole (06:48):

Yes, absolutely. Okay. So you talked about a little bit of your challenge and getting there. Was that your biggest challenge or what other challenges did you have to, to make it a reality?


Davide (07:00):

I think the biggest challenge for me, I didn't want to write a book that S I, you know, pushed. I mean, we all know there's no secret. You pay the money to become the bestseller on whatever platform that you do at, whether you spend, you know, $10 in ads or you spend $50,000 to hit the wall street journal list. There's all sorts of, you know, uh, stories of this stuff. I didn't want to write that book. I wanted to write a book that actually people wanted to read and that would make a difference for others. And um, like I, I really, I wasn't writing a book to, to, to make myself feel good about myself. It wasn't about my ego. Like if I'm going to write a book, I actually want to help people. Yes. And so I had to think to myself, well, how am I going to do this? And one of the key pieces for me was to bring on a team. And there's two sides to that. One is the professional team, which included you. And two was the team of people that I collaborated with, from the people who, who endorsed the book from Brian Tracy to all the amazing entrepreneurs and people that I worked with. So the people who I shared my book with, because at the end of every chapter in my book, I invited somebody to share a piece of their story of how they relate to being unapologetic.


Nicole (08:17):

Yes. I love that about your book. That was fun too, to read it, to lay it out too. Yeah. And, and that's smart too, because you're getting people engaged in your book who, you know, they're like, Oh, I'm in a book and you know, they're going to help you share the book as well. So yes.


Davide (08:34):

And yeah, and that's the thing. And I think like, you know, it's powerful for me to talk about my own book, but it's way more powerful if someone else talks about it. Yeah. So, and now I also set myself up for having multiple additions of the book or I change the authors or you know, I have this dream to work on a, a version for, um, teens being unapologetic, where it'll just be 50 stories of teenagers that relates to the book. And so then people can buy the 50 story version of the book with the teenagers, but then they can also buy the mother book, the original to get the actual, you know, my methodology and my process to uncovering who you are and all of that. So, you know, I, I, I really thought bigger with the book to be able to, um, to not just write one book and then be like, that's it.


Davide (09:21):

It's just this project is done. And I just want to touch on, you know, like you being part of the team for example, and other experts like Tyler and whatnot. Like I, I knew that if I invested in people who would, who would help me make this book best seller quality, I'd have a better shot and to feel good about it. And I mean, I love the reaction whenever I hand the hard copy to somebody, they are blown away. The calmer design, the internal layout and the design. I mean, we put a lot of heart into the design of this book. You are amazing. And we went through so many revisions, we nailed it and people remember it like they, just it's unforgettable. Um, and the level of detail I think really makes a difference and that, that really helped me to feel really confident. So it's not, I didn't write the book and, and wanna forget about it. Like I'm proud about it and show it off every where.


Nicole (10:24):

Well, I'm, I'm not just proud of, of the book, but I'm proud of what you're doing with the book and it's exciting to watch you and you know, and I see the book on different things and like, Oh, how exciting, you know, I'm like, I'm my client's biggest fan, so, you know, I'm, I'm just like, you know, wherever I can support you or anyone else, it's, it's so exciting. And so I want to know too, when you wrote the book, did you think about positioning yourself using the book? Like was it changing your platform up or was it announcing anything new or different about you or your platform? Or how did, how did that work for you?


Davide (11:05):

So intuitively I understood that the book for me wasn't necessarily about the book, rather, it was sort of part of a, one of the crown jewels in the number of crown jewels that would become my brand, that would become my empire, so to speak. So I wrote a book that would become part of this whole larger ecosystem. Um, and it's interesting because following the advice of different people, I think the only thing that I don't love, if I could just be honest and say if there's one thing I don't love about the book is that I tried to put pieces in the book that would position me like as a coach or try to get clients from it or which I think is smart to do that. Um, but it wasn't fully in alignment with who I am. Yes. And so, and the second edition of the book, I would probably remove the parts about, cause the, the, the subtitle of the book is all about empowering speakers and leaders. And it's about me as a speaker coach, which is something that I love to do, but it's not necessarily the work that I want to do for the rest of my life. Yes. And so the book really is more about identity and being, rather than you becoming a speaker or a leader or a whatever, right? Yes. Yes. So, um, that's the one big takeaway that I have from, from my experience. But what, what I've learned is that the way we put the book together and the imagery and the way it looks in the branding really did develop my brand. Yes. And it positioned to be in the marketplace as somebody to be paid attention to. And so I continued to use it as that as sort of the way to open the door for, because okay. And I never believed it, but you know, people say you coach people to write books and you know, and you can never believe it until it happens. When you walk into a room after you're an author and the way people talk about you didn't believe it until it started happening. And I'm like, yeah, but I'm the same person.


Nicole (13:09):

Exactly. Yeah. Well I used to tell people, Oh my gosh, I just put my thoughts between two boards and, and I am somebody now, you know? Yeah, yeah.


Davide (13:20):

Uh, so it's, it's really cool. And I, and I think also what I think is important to remember is just because you write the book doesn't necessarily mean anything that's going to happen. And so then it's, well, what are you going to do with it? And so I am unapologetic in positioning the book everywhere. I use the image everywhere that, that amazing photo on the cover is a signature photo that I use everywhere. Now I have another similar photo that I got on the TEDx stage. Um, that will probably be the cover (spoiler alert) on the second book that we work on. I'm thinking maybe we should use the other confetti image it'll just be a theme now. Um, but yeah, like I constantly work it, I'm unafraid to use the book to position me. I talk about it constantly and it's not even about the content of the book, it's just that I'm using it as a tool to say is like, yeah, I've done this, I have a bigger picture that I'm working on and I connect it to absolutely everything. I do everything.


Nicole (14:25):

So I, I know lots of people want to get on stage to speak and they use a book to do that. And um, you know, how were you thinking about that when you did it? Were you thinking? Okay. So now I'm a speaker. I, uh, cause you are a speaker. Before you, you wrote the book and was that part of your plan? Like if I write a book, I will, you know, have a better speaking career or, or how did that relate?


Davide (14:51):

I didn't have an expectation, but I thought this can't hurt so it could potentially help me. And I understood that. So a speaker to me and having worked with a lot of speakers, a speaker with or without a book, the difference is that when you have a book, you have another negotiation point. Yes. Because if they can't maybe meet your fee and there's a lot of organizations that can't necessarily meet your fee. Especially like when I'm working in education or young people or, or, um, nonprofits are giving space, but when I have the book, now all of a sudden I have another stream of income possible. Yes. Also, I can use the book or a section or a chapter. I've done it multiple different ways to give away, to bring people into my ecosystem. Hmm. So when I say, Hey, I have this book that went number one in eight countries and number two and two others, I'd love to give you a free chapter or a section. While now all of a sudden as a speaker I have power. I'm not selling anything to the audience, but now I can get them on my email list and to my circle, yes. And to me it was about that. And, and I wanted to write a book that looked like it belonged beside a Berne Brown or a a Michelle Obama book or whatever the case may be. Right. I didn't want to write a pamphlet that I called a book.


Nicole (16:11):

Yes. Well you know, I was talking with somebody yesterday. I did another author interview yesterday and we were talking about, uh, specifically the content of the book cause he wanted to start doing workshops and other things. And I said, you know, I kind of have to laugh when it comes to generating content for how you speak to people. Because I'm going, I did the work, I put the book together and you know, I've written four books now. And at any given point I can go, I have so much content and you know, and it, it actually becomes a bit overwhelming for me cause I go, okay, which direction am I going in with this content? But it all sort of becomes me. And what I love the most about having a book is I can go, okay, so this is like public content, but someone may not have been exposed to it yet. So, you know, I can open up my book and go, that's the piece I'm going to share. And you know, so when you get the content right, you can use it for, for doing speeches, for breakout sessions, for, you know, workbooks for, um, uh, you know, all kinds of podcasting, YouTube videos, all of it. And, um, you know, and I've been finding a lot of clients that were, excuse me, smart about how they wrote their content, are really finding it very leveraged.


Davide (17:29):

Right. And so that's another thing that I actually very strategically did in the book as you know. And um, with each chapter, each chapter is a different on word, unapologetic, unstoppable and possible unbreakable on broken all different ones. And so each chapter could potentially a different opportunity to open a conversation with a different person or organization. Yeah. So I could say, Oh yeah, I have a chapter about that. Or I have stories that connect to being unwavering if it's in faith, for example, or in just, you know, making it through something, uh, if it's about, um, uh, one of my favorite chapters is about being on unreasonable for leadership. Okay. Well I have content about that. So I wrote a book that had sort of a lot of different ideas in it, but all falls under the same brand identity. Yes. Yes. And I think it is like, I think for me the creating the strategy around the book took me longer than writing the book itself.


Davide (18:34):

Yeah. Yeah. Once I figured out it would all fight under this unapologetic umbrella and I was creating this sort of ecosystem of onwards and different topics and, and that it was really about the people who are reading it. It wasn't necessarily about my, uh, my stories were just to let people see themselves, um, that strategizing that I think was the strongest asset in this book. Yes. Yes. Okay. So I, um, heard you say you're thinking about another book, uh, what is it going to be about? Okay, so this is a funny story. When I had the book and I would go out to events or networking events or whatever, meeting people out and about, and people say, Oh, you're an author, what's your book? And I would say, Oh, it's called being unapologetic. And they would say, what's it about? And I thought, are you kidding me? Like, it's about being unapologetic.


Davide (19:29):

And so one day in my, um, annoyance or whatever, I, I said, well, being unapologetic, it's about overcoming your compare. Noya and I could barely get the word out that people would put their hand up and say, Oh my God, I have that resonate. And I thought, Oh, now we're onto something. So I started to run an experiment, experiment turned into my TedTalk overcoming comparanoia. now the Ted talk, which now became a trademarked entity, comparanoia I've trademark that. And I knew when I did the Ted talk that this would be the second book because the Ted talk, I did the talk to be another jewel in the family jewels. And it stands again as a branding piece about who I am, what I believe, what I stand for. When I write the book, Overcoming Comparanoia. It's going to basically take the reader on a deeper journey of overcoming, compare, Noya and, and the simple antidote.


Davide (20:32):

Do you use a celebration to overcome your compare Noya and teach them how to redefine what compare NOI is and redefine what celebration is for themselves. Um, but I knew when, when people started to really resonate because I don't know about you. I mean when we, but we're both working on being unapologetic. I thought, wow, this is brilliant. No one's written a book called Being Unapologetic. That seems ridiculous. This is going to be amazing. And it is, what I found is that more people are resonating with this idea of overcoming comparanoia without explanation. And I think if you can have something like that where you don't have to say anything else and the person themselves fills in the blanks, that's where you get something that is so sticky, so juicy that it may possibly, you know, create viralocity or who knows. Right. Maybe I'll have to work a little less hard for it to go bestseller the next time. I don't know. That is the idea that now it's still under the being unapologetic brand. Um, cause I branded it all under that. But overcoming comparanoia is one of the strong assets that I have under underneath that. And that will be the second book ultimately.


Nicole (21:41):

Awesome. So I have to tell you, when you did your Ted talk, I was like, I've got to figure out how to find him. Where is he? Is he doing it yet? And I kept, you know, going on your Facebook page and I'm like, cause he lives, yeah, there's not doing it yet. And I'm like, you know, I'm praying for you. I'm like, gosh, I hope it goes so well. And then I have to admit, everybody who knows me knows like I cry about everything. And like when you were doing it, I was going, Oh my God, this is just so amazing. It's so good. Cause I'm, I'm a total dork. Like I am just, I am like, as I said, my client's biggest fan and I don't really announce that. I just kind of sit quiet and watch and I go, yes, yes, yes, yes. So I was watching you and I was just like, you know, started crying. I'm like, this is just so good. I'm so proud of him. And so yeah, I'm, I'm a little closet fan, so


Davide (22:36):

Thank you. Well, I really did pour, I was very strategic with my, with everything that I do, but especially with this Ted talk and I poured my life into that. I put all the lot of, a lot of effort into it. Um, uh, there is not one word in that talk that comes out of my mouth that I didn't edit reedit think through, make sure that it was exactly how it needed to be said to the world because I wanted to create again, a piece that was timeless and for all the people who come to me, I'm like, well when are you going to do another Ted talk? And I'm like, ah, I must big Ted is calling. I have it. No, cause I did my, that is me. That is who I am. That is what I believe. That is the piece that is again, part of the banner that brings people into my ecosystem. Um, and like I said, I was strategic where, yeah. Okay. Now I do see a book. I do see other projects that attached to it, but this isn't to me about writing 15 books over the next 10 years or whatever. Right? Yeah. Like I'm creating quality content, whether it be a book or a talk that can reach people and then bring closer to me for whatever is next.


Nicole (23:49):

Well, I tell you, I grew up as a very shy kid and you know, and I have a lot that I've studied a lot that I've learned and you know, and I've, I've been stepping out of my comfort zone doing podcasting and YouTube videos and all this stuff and you know, I'm watching you on stage and I'm just going, gosh, that just, it's so amazing for someone that's that shy that grew up shy. And I know you had some challenges with finding yourself and to be on stage and that environment. I mean, it just had to feel so good to, I mean to, I mean, you nailed it. Yeah.


Davide (24:26):

Thank you. And, and you're right. Like, I, I am not necessarily the most confident person all the time and I'm not, you know, like what I, what I do on stage or what I do when I'm in front of young people or when I'm doing a workshop or whatever the case may be. I do that because I understand the power of when someone like you or I who studies and, and, and works hard at what we do when we take that moment to step out from behind the curtain, which is exactly what the hidden message and the cover of being an apologetic kids, when we step out from behind the curtain for that split second into the spotlight to show other people what it looks like, to give them an example. That's powerful. Yeah. So I've, I've sort of surrendered to the work I've surrendered to the fact that I need to step into the spotlight to show other people what it looks like so that they can then be invited into the spotlight. And that's exactly why I do any of what I do.


Nicole (25:24):

Yes. And I remember you saying you came from a theater background and, uh, and I know you're inspiring young people. Uh, can you talk anything about that?


Davide (25:35):

Yeah. And so my, you know, I wanted to be on stage and I've had the great fortune to be on stage, um, multiple times. But my, my main role, 98% of the time was as a producer, director, composer, musical director. So I was, you know, the quintessential behind the curtain, you know, man behind the curtain guy. And um, so coming out in front of the curtain is a challenge for me, even though I might be good at it or I enjoy it at times, it's still a challenge for me because I have to fully expose myself in order to do what I did on that Ted stage. I had to fully expose myself and that's scary. But I recognize that maybe my own struggles growing up, you know, and I talk about it in my Ted talk in the book. I almost didn't make it through high school through because of severe bullying and my own lack of confidence, anxiety, depression, sorry.


Davide (26:29):

Yeah. And I, I, and I realized that through that experience, if I share that story, if I share that and I show young people, especially where I am now, well maybe that will inspire that kid who's one choice away from making a choice they can't take back to rethink, to redefine their new reality. And um, so now with Being Unapologetic with the Ted talk, with this whole idea of overcoming, compare, annoy, you had the big mission and a new project that I'm working on is called unleash, of course, always unworthy on your story, which is basically a storytelling for the greater good movement specifically for young people. And so I'm interviewing the people that you wouldn't necessarily think that you could get access to. Directors, producers, dancers, bigger names as we come across them. And I'm asking them how do they share their story? Well, what is a tip on how to tell your story or to express yourself, self-expression, whatever that looks like, whether it be on video and through dance, through your body, through the page, through the stage, through the screen, whatever it is.


Davide (27:45):

And all of it is targeted to young people, generation Z because I truly believe if that we empower our young people to share who they are, that they will find themselves faster and build their confidence, um, much, much faster. And, and the reason, the way I discovered this, again, a story that I tell a little bit in my Ted talk a little bit in the book a little bit in some other talks that I do that are online. Um, when I was a high school music teacher, I would teach, I taught music and I discovered after a couple of years that my kids weren't getting better at music. And so I started to run an experiment in one class. I would just talk to the kids and I asked them to share stories about themselves, to express themselves. And I noticed consistently year after year, the students were the classes where I would spend more time talking to kids and teaching them how to express themselves.


Davide (28:39):

Those classes, those students became better musicians faster. Wow. That... I was like what? It wasn't more theory. It wasn't more practice. It wasn't, it was them learning how to express themselves. Uh, how wonderful your story through, you know, just being descriptive. And so I am a strong believer that through the legacy of storytelling, and it doesn't necessarily mean you're actually telling a story, but you know, dancers tell stories, videographers tell stories directly. We all tell stories in some way, whatever that means to you. When we teach someone to be confident in themselves to overcome their comparanoia which is the desire to be like, or unlike anybody else and to, and to share that with the world, you build your confidence, you build everything up and you people notice that people pay attention to people who have that energy about them. So I want to bring that to to young people through this unleash your story, podcast and movement.


Davide (29:38):

And um, I have a contest sort of running where I want young people to submit their stories of what they are, who they are, what they believe, just whatever they want to share in whatever way they want to share. And I want to feature them. I want to put them in the spotlight. I'm going to use my star, so to speak, to put them on my blog and to press release them and to interview them and to show the world, look at these amazing young people. They have something to say. I mean... If you were published in a book when you were 16 years old for example, I mean, imagine what that would've done for your confidence. I know that would have been like blown me away if I went bestseller when I was in high school. Right. So why can't we do that for young people? I don't see why not. Right? Like,


Davide (30:24):

absolutely. Yeah. Yeah. Well, I mean, you know, it helps people live on purpose and you know, defining who they are and stepping out as you know, their truth or in their truth and uh, it's powerful stuff you're doing. And you know, I actually interviewed a client last night and she wrote a book about parenting and one comment she made towards the end was that we are adults longer than we are kids. And I went, Oh gosh, you know, I, that's true. I never, you know, never really thought about it. So she's raising her kids knowing that they're going to be an adult longer and so let's, you know, give them principles to follow and enhance their strengths and help them find themselves and live in their truth. And I thought, wow. You know, it's,


Davide (31:14):

yeah. And I just want to point out that, and I'm sure she would, I'm sure she writes all about it in her book. This isn't about making our kids adults, this is about giving kids and young people the opportunity to have those foundational beliefs and principles because that's the whole thing with Overcoming Comparanoia. It all comes down to your belief system. Where do your beliefs come from? Most of them. From your childhood? Yeah. Yeah. Most of them make no sense. Like if you actually look at your beliefs and you ask, where did that come from? Why do I have that belief? Most of us can't even explain it. Or we can, we can attach it to an incident or something that happened in our childhood that was placed upon us because it was the beliefs of our parents. Because whatever, whatever happened, whatever we made, it made a situation mean to ourselves about a certain thing.


Davide (32:04):

And that created this belief system that guides the rest of our lives. Well, what if we could teach kids to be free from that and to have power in choice that they can choose the way that they filter their experience of life so that they can set themselves up for more success sooner and longer for more, um, long-term success as they get older. I mean, sign me up for that. I am ready for that all day long and I, at the same time, I believe in, let kids be kids and give them solid foundational principles so that they can be kids for as long as they can be. And even as adults, why can't, you know? I think when we lose our inner child, everything is gone.


Nicole (32:47):

Yes, yes. Yeah. That's how we find our, you know what, I've been doing some of my work, it's how you find who you are as an adult if you get lost as an adult. Like what was it? I was thinking as a kid, you know, and it's like, let's, let's get our imagination going and, you know, create our world into being, even if we lose that sense of, of our inner child, we, you know, we lose that, that magic as an adult.


Davide (33:15):

Amen! Yeah. And like, I mean, like the biggest child ever. Walt Disney, right? Yes. That whole, his entire empire, whether we like it or not, the fact of the matter is it was all just a dream. And he, like, he turned the idea of dreams and wishes into this monolithic, huge empire, global empire. It's really amazing. And he had no idea how it was going to happen or he just had this idea. He knew that wishes and dreams were powerful. Heck yeah, they are. Yes. Yes. Well, and so we have to hang on to them.


Nicole (33:52):

Absolutely. Absolutely. And you know, and, and especially in this time, it's like, you know, let's, um, you know, reconnect with, with joy and our truth and, you know, and, and I, my, my vision is when that door opens and we're back to society as we, you know, once knew it. It's not going to be what we once knew. And you know, let's, let's collectively start dreaming our world into being. And, um, I, I'm ready to create some magic on the other side of that open door.


Davide (34:20):

Me too! And that's why I say like, the whole thing about my Ted talk is compare less, celebrate more. And it's, it's so relevant right now because compare less to what the world used to be or what it's going to be or what, it doesn't matter. It's irrelevant. What can we celebrate? There's so many different ways to celebrate. I don't mean you have to be launching confetti, although it's very therapeutic, petty all over the place. But I mean, I acknowledge, document, pray, whatever it is that looks like for you, that you makes you feel good, that focuses that, that allows you to focus on what you want instead of what you don't want. That you are moving towards something instead of moving away from something. The more you can move towards something, the more you're going to move towards it. And if you're just moving away from something, but what are you moving away to? Nothing. You're just moving further and further away from something. And oftentimes what happens, I mean... I woke up in my thirties and I realized I'd moved so far away from what I didn't want, that I was so far away from myself ultimately.


Nicole (35:22):

Mm. Well, I, um, I, I just love what you're doing. I love you. I just, I think what you're doing is, is awesome stuff. You're shaking things up here. You're, you know, living on purpose, you're helping others live on purpose. Um, as always, I'm your biggest fan and I am here to support you in any way that I can. So I just, I think you're awesome.


Davide (35:46):

It's totally mutual eyesight. You Nicole. Thank you. I mean, this book would not have been, w would not have turned into a brand without your incredible design and heart that you've poured into the book. I know that you went above and beyond with working with me and what you created. It's very special and I will never forget. ...brought to the table with me.


Nicole (36:08):

Well, thank you. And uh, it was, it was a special project for me too. So we have, we have mutual admiration. Okay. So tell our listeners how we find you. Anything about what's coming next for you. Um, do you have a website? How do we find your book? All that good stuff.


Davide (36:25):

Yeah, I made it so easy. Everything is in one place. Ah, so simple. We love simple You can connect with me across all of my social media there. You can grab a copy of the book, you can check out the unleash your story, podcast and movement. I'm learning more about Overcoming Comparanoia definitely watched the Ted talk and I always tell people, and they're always shocked. Every time I do a podcast, I say this, I say, if you messaged me on Instagram or wherever you live, I will respond personally. And people test me after every time I do a podcast. And then when I reply, they're like, Oh my gosh, you actually do respond. Yes, I do. So please reach out, email me, send me a message, send a message on my email form or whatever the case may be. I would love to connect with you and, um, help you to step into your own unapologetic self.


Nicole (37:16):

Awesome. Good stuff. Thank you so much for being here, Davide. It was a pleasure to have you. If you guys want to know more about Davide, you can find his contact information over on my blog.

Davide can be found at:

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