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145 - Why Every Coach Should Write A Book


Today’s Topic: Why Every Coach Should Write A Book: Establishing Your Authority and Defining Your Center of Expertise

We are going to talk about why a coach should write a book, but before we do let’s talk about why you haven’t. Most people haven’t written a book because of fear… because, let’s be honest… if you want to do something bad enough, your going to find a way to do it.

But, maybe you just don’t know how a book would serve you. I mean, a lot of people think of it like a vanity project. Writing a book has become a bit more common these days than it used to be, but there is still a certain amount of stature a book holds in many circles.

But, putting ego aside, a book is actually not just one of the best things you can do for marketing yourself and your business, but it can also serve as a great platform for setting yourself up as an expert in your field.

Where I personally find a book to be the most useful is when it...

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133 - 5 Smart Steps for Getting Your Business Book Manuscript Done


Today’s Topic: 5 Smart Steps for Getting Your Business Book Manuscript Done—Building Out a Turn-Key Platform

I believe one of the greatest tools for you to professionally highlight yourself is to write a book on a topic you have mastery in. If you’ve been hanging around the speaking or coaching environment for awhile you will learn quickly that many people in this world have a book. Actually, many of them have more than one book. I find however, that many outside of this industry haven’t learned to capitalize on this to get ahead in their field. Even if you aren’t self employed, writing a book can help get you noticed. But, it tends to be the self-employed entrepreneur that uses a book to either pivot into something new, to provide teaching material for their team, or to simply draw additional awareness to themself as a go-getter.

Although, my system can work with a writer of any genre, it is the entrepreneurial spirit that I find myself...

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101 - Leadership Begins With A Book!


Do You Have the Courage to Step Up?

Hey Guys! Nicole Gabriel here! I’m the host of the Let’s Get Your Book Published podcast. I’m also the author multiple books, a Book Designer, and a Publishing Coach as well as an intuitive Business Coach.

I’ve been in the book business for awhile now and I’ve helped many clients get their book published. On this podcast I share personal stories, client stories, and the truths about the publishing industry. Let’s get into today’s show…

Leadership Begins With A Book! Do You Have the Courage to Step Up?


So many are going through massive shifts of awareness and transformation! If you are currently watching this happen to family and friends and you are in awe of either their level of blindness or their level of flexibility and awareness then you are probably someone that has already gone through massive shifts of awareness at some point in your life. You are probably a...

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100 - Whenโ€™s the Right Time to Write Your Book?


When’s the Right Time to Write Your Book?
Planning for Success

Hey Guys! Nicole Gabriel here! I’m the host of the Let’s Get Your Book Published podcast. I’m also the author multiple books, a Book Designer, and a Publishing Coach as well as an intuitive Business Coach.

I’ve been in the book business for awhile now and I’ve helped many clients get their book published. On this podcast I share personal stories, client stories, and the truths about the publishing industry.

I love what I do but I don’t like seeing people being taken advantage of or given false promises on the journey to publishing their book.

I do my best to keep things real here and that means the greatest gift I can give you is that I won’t build you up with false promises and I help you align the content of your book so that it returns the greatest value personally and professionally.…this approach helps to build your platform. And, I align you with...

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091 - Don't Use A Literary Agent!


Hey Guys! Nicole Gabriel here!

I hope you’re doing well and staying balanced in these strange times we are living in. We’ve all had to make many adjustments in how we live and do business with all the changes happening in the workplace and at home. Personally, I find this to be a time of great transformation. Every fiber of our world that isn’t standing on truth seems to be crumbling all around us. Of course, if you’ve listened to any of my podcasts on truth its something that runs deep in my veins to discuss and disclose. It seems I can’t stop myself from discerning intention, integrity, and ripping the mask off of deception, censorship, and trickery.

The fluctuations in the publishing industry have certainly been interesting to watch as it’s been my opinion that so much of what occurs here has deceived us for many years. Often I can’t stop myself when I’ve found those places where the system takes advantage of unassuming...

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090 - Top 5 Tips Get Started Writing Your Book Today!


I’m Nicole Gabriel, the host of the show. And, I’m happy you joined me here today! I’ve worked in the publishing industry for awhile now and I’ve seen many things over the years. I began my career in the advertising business back in the early 90’s. I’ve worked for all the top ad agencies. I began my career at McCann Erickson, then worked my way into J. Walter Thompson, Young & Rubicam, and then went over to the client side and did my time in executive management in all the American auto companies - General Motors, Ford, and (at the time) Daimler Chrysler. I was in the business back in the days of George magazine. I was there at the birth of the internet. I was on a few teams that built the very first websites for many in the automotive business. Some days it feels like it was another lifetime ago, but the basics of the advertising and marketing business are the same no matter the media used. I surrounded myself with brand management...

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045 - How I Have Written Multiple Books?

writing process May 19, 2020

Hi Guys! Nicole here! I hope you are well.

I’ve often been asked “where do I begin with my book?”.

Writers have so many very different styles on how they write and it also depends on the genre but one thing I think we will all agree on is that if something is moving you than you have to follow the nudge.

I know that I have a future filled with many books. I have so much more to share. There are many environmental things to consider as well as how one is positioned in life and in their writing space. 

Since I know I will always be a writer I know how much quiet, reflective, and personal time and space I need. Since I am also single this plays a large factor in my choosing of a partner. If I want to write and I never get time and space I’m going to struggle all the way around. 

And here’s a few really interesting things I’ve found…sometimes the author wants a life but observes a life…for example, the phone rings and...

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