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145 - Why Every Coach Should Write A Book


Today’s Topic: Why Every Coach Should Write A Book: Establishing Your Authority and Defining Your Center of Expertise

We are going to talk about why a coach should write a book, but before we do let’s talk about why you haven’t. Most people haven’t written a book because of fear… because, let’s be honest… if you want to do something bad enough, your going to find a way to do it.

But, maybe you just don’t know how a book would serve you. I mean, a lot of people think of it like a vanity project. Writing a book has become a bit more common these days than it used to be, but there is still a certain amount of stature a book holds in many circles.

But, putting ego aside, a book is actually not just one of the best things you can do for marketing yourself and your business, but it can also serve as a great platform for setting yourself up as an expert in your field.

Where I personally find a book to be the most useful is when it...

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126 - Don't Be A Copycat!


Season 4 - Episode 126
Hey Guys! Nicole Gabriel here! I’m the host of the Let’s Get Your Book Published podcast. I’m also the author multiple books, a Book Designer, and a Publishing Coach as well as an intuitive Business Coach.

I’ve been in the book business for awhile now and I’ve helped many clients get their book published over the years. On this podcast I share personal stories, client stories, and the truths about the publishing industry….

Today’s Topic: Don’t Be A Copy Cat - Writing A Book in An Authentic Voice

On occasion I have a client come through from a referral coaching system and, generally…as a result, some tend to follow (nearly verbatim) the methodology of the coach that referred them. I guess, when you hire a coach, you listen to what they have to say and take their advice if you like the direction they have led you in to date. But, I’ve been watching some clients...

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