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127 - Best Seller Lies!

best seller bestseller lies Jul 22, 2022

Hey Guys! Nicole Gabriel here! I’m the host of the Let’s Get Your Book Published podcast. I’m also the author multiple books, a Book Designer, and a Publishing Coach as well as an intuitive Business Coach.

I’ve been in the book business for awhile now and I’ve helped many clients get their book published over the years. On this podcast I share personal stories, client stories, and the truths about the publishing industry….


Today’s Topic: Best Seller Lies - What Makes a Book a Bestseller?

Oh boy there is confusion about what really is a best seller these days! Ever since books started being sold on Amazon it seems there has been a lot of confusion. I got copied on an email conversation with a coach and an author the other day and the coach likes to use the term “book purist” to make his clients humbled about the way a book should be seen in certain communities. But, the thinking is a bit...

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079 - If Self-Publishing Is a Gamble Why Is Donald Trump Jr. Doing It?


Hey Guys! Nicole Gabriel here!

I’ve been wanting to talk about this for awhile. Given that politics is so dividing currently, let’s talk about the division in self publishing vs traditional publishing as well…

Have you seen the chatter on Donald Trump Jr…the article in the New York Times says:

Self-Publishing Is a Gamble. Why Is Donald Trump Jr. Doing It?
His next book, “Liberal Privilege,” comes with an unusual distribution plan and no publishing house behind it, making it something of a curiosity in the industry.

I’ll post the link to the article over on my blog:

Literary agents are calling it “a risk” that Trump choses to self publish and they are claiming he hired researchers to comb through Mr. Biden’s record and wrote the book in about three months during lock down.

The article discusses the high-level differences between traditional...

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059 - What Makes A Best Seller?

best seller Jul 30, 2020

Hi Guys! Nicole Gabriel here!

I wanted to talk about a best seller, but I want to remind you that I don’t believe in best sellers as a key reason for writing your book. But, what I do look at is the business principles behind the concepts. These concepts should be looked at by every self-published author in order to grow a stronger platform.

There are a few rules for every bestseller list and how to get your book on them. And please note that I’ve done a few podcasts where we talk about the idea that most self-published authors will never become a best-seller. So, keep in mind that it’s highly unlikely this will occur for you.

There are two main principles that make up most best-seller lists. They are determined by the number of sales and the reporting of those sales.

Before I get into the major bestseller lists and their particular rules, there are two principles that apply to all of them—number of books sold and the reporting for those books...

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