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148 - Fire and Fury: The Maui Fires Book That Appeared While Flames Were Still Burning


Today’s Topic: Fire and Fury: The Maui Fires Book That Appeared While Fires Were Still Burning

I had a completely different podcast that I had written and planned to record today, but the truth is that my temper was burning when I saw this book appear while the fires will still burning on Maui. For those that don’t know, I lived on Maui for several years. I ate lunch in Lahaina daily at Choice Health Bar. As many of us did, I watched the events of those days in horror of what was occurring. It was my home! I know that area and I know that this is just not something that occurs there! My dogs and I hiked in the west maui mountains daily. We went up via the jeep trail and made out way to the top for the vast open views over Lahaina. We used to sit up there and watch whales in the distance on occasion. We’ve also been shut out of there from an occasional brush fire. We have also witnessed flames being doused with helicopter water dumps from the ocean, over...

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144 - We Are the Expert of Our Greatest Wounds


Today’s Topic: We Are the Expert of Our Greatest Wounds - Writing an Impactful Book That Leads the Healing Journey…

I talked a bit about sitting with our greatest challenges in a blog post over on my personal page ( It’s a work in progress over there, but ultimately, I want to begin opening up about some of the challenges I’ve faced in my life and how those obstacles I’ve learned to overcome have turned into my life’s greatest strengths.

For many years I have watched how authors use a book to tell the story of what they’ve learned…on the other side of something they have come through. Many are cancer survivors, some have lost loved ones and are restructuring their lives, some are business leaders that have stepped up after many years of bootcamp in lower ranks, some have healed their sick children, and I’ve even had some authors that have been through sex changes and have had to say goodbye to...

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140 - I Didnā€™t Know About eBook Pirating!


Today’s Topic: I Didn’t Know About eBook Pirating - Digital Designers, Protections & Self Publishing Mistakes…

Where do we start with today’s episode? I’ve been in the marketing, advertising, and book business for most of my career and the one thing that gets under the skin as a professional in any industry is when someone has a quick fix solution or work around for the thing you do professionally with great pride.

Now, it’s not something to get agitated about, because business people need quick solutions and that’s why services like Canva or Fiverr or some of the others are so successful. You have a need and there is a quick fix solution to keep rolling along in your business. But, there’s a huge difference between digital and print that is a bit challenging to explain to someone that doesn’t have a background in it.

Print is nearly obsolete these days outside of the book industry. Most things go into a system and...

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139 - The Scary World of Audiobooks and AI


 Today’s Topic: The Scary World of Audiobooks and AI

You’ll likely be stepping into an unknown as you step into the creation of an audiobook. It can be a similar journey to writing your book, but this time you’re just in the business of reproducing it in audio form. You’ve already done the hard work but now you’re trying to decide both if an audiobook is for you and if so, how to create it.

I can’t tell you how many are giving bad advice on audiobook creation and wow! Every time I hear something, not just about the scams, but scary new processes, you know I’ve got to bring some truth to it. Honestly, I get really angry when people get taken advantage of. So, lets clear up a few things in the world of audiobooks…

Let me first begin by telling you that I created my audiobook for FREE!!! It’s shouldn’t break the bank unless of course you want nothing to do with any of it. I mean… that’s the sure way...

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081 - Is the First Amendment Alive Today?


Since my platform is all about self publishing… the freedom of the press and the ability to have free speech is something I’m watching these days. I thought this to be a very apropos subject for discussion on today’s podcast given the state of our lockdown and messy political system we are all wrapped up in.

I’m tired of being censored and shut down on social media and I’m tired of the biased propaganda in the mainstream media! How about you?

Hi Guys! Nicole Gabriel here.

The First Amendment guarantees the right to express ideas and information. People can express an opinion (whether popular or unpopular) without government censoring. All forms of communication are protected.

I wanted to understand if the first amendment had limits, so I did some research to understand it some more. We are allowed to speak our mind and stand up for what we believe in as long as we are not harming others to get what we want. We are not allowed to use speech to...

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