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146 - Book Cover Mistakes & Lessons


Today’s Topic: Book Cover Mistakes & Lessons - There’s Far More to the Cover Than Meets the Eye!

OK first off I’m gonna just spill the beans! I just got fired! I’ve been doing all things book for a long time and I’m fine making myself vulnerable for both of us to learn. I’m good at what I do, but occasionally I’m just not a fit for someone. I have no hard feelings so don’t get me wrong. Not all relationships are bliss.

Since my client fired me I think its pretty safe to say we can talk about what went wrong without doing any harm. In other words, I don’t think she’s tuning into my podcast! And, I can share some lessons she and I both learned in the process so this kind of thing doesn’t happen to you in the future!

It’s been so long I can’t remember the exact date, but I think its safe to say that about 3 years ago this client came to me to let me know she was writing a book and planned to hire...

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144 - We Are the Expert of Our Greatest Wounds


Today’s Topic: We Are the Expert of Our Greatest Wounds - Writing an Impactful Book That Leads the Healing Journey…

I talked a bit about sitting with our greatest challenges in a blog post over on my personal page ( It’s a work in progress over there, but ultimately, I want to begin opening up about some of the challenges I’ve faced in my life and how those obstacles I’ve learned to overcome have turned into my life’s greatest strengths.

For many years I have watched how authors use a book to tell the story of what they’ve learned…on the other side of something they have come through. Many are cancer survivors, some have lost loved ones and are restructuring their lives, some are business leaders that have stepped up after many years of bootcamp in lower ranks, some have healed their sick children, and I’ve even had some authors that have been through sex changes and have had to say goodbye to...

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119 - Today’s Gutenberg Press - The Internet! A Reason for Concern


Hey Guys! Nicole Gabriel here! I’m the host of the Let’s Get Your Book Published podcast. I’m also the author multiple books, a Book Designer, and a Publishing Coach as well as an intuitive Business Coach.

I’ve been in the book business for awhile now and I’ve helped many clients get their book published over the years. On this podcast I share personal stories, client stories, and the truths about the publishing industry….


Today’s topic: Today’s Gutenberg Press - The Internet! A Reason for Concern

Most of us tend to take printed materials for granted, but imagine life today if the printing press had never been invented. We would not have books, magazines or newspapers. Posters, flyers, pamphlets and mailers would not exist. The printing press allows us to share large amounts of information quickly and in huge numbers.

In fact, the printing press is so significant that it has come to be known as one...

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099 - The Art of Gratitude - Letting Go of Expectation


The Art of Gratitude - Letting go of expectation

Hey Guys! Nicole Gabriel here! I’m the host of the Let’s Get Your Book Published podcast. I’m also the author multiple books, a Book Designer, and a Publishing Coach as well as an intuitive Business Coach.

I’ve been in the book business for awhile now and I’ve helped many clients get their book published. On this podcast I share personal stories, client stories, and the truths about the publishing industry.

I love what I do but I don’t like seeing people being taken advantage of or given false promises on the journey to publishing their book.

I do my best to keep things real here and that means the greatest gift I can give you is that I won’t falsely build you up with false promises and I help you align the content of your book so that it returns the greatest value personally and professionally.…this approach helps to build your platform. And, I align you with the business...

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088 - Using A Book to Define Your Calling!


Hey Guys! Nicole Gabriel here!

How many times in life do we get to fulfill a desire? How many times do we ever even get asked what fires us up or fulfills a passion? It’s perhaps never been asked to some of us and for others it seems to be a question we may only ask early on as we enter college or later on as we pass through some major life turning point. I can even bet that many of us don’t even know what our passion is.

If you were asked - what do you feel called to do? Or, how do you wish to serve humanity? Would you even be able to answer that? Is the thing that you are doing now for your career the thing you always wished to do or did you just fall into it over time?

I, personally, have asked myself this question many times at several stages of my life. My answer has been numerous things, and at certain crossroads I have also based my answer on where I’m currently sitting. But, what if you could dive deep into your soul to determine and know without a...

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087 - The Author Illuminating Truth


Hey Guys! Nicole Gabriel here. I’ve been so busy during the lockdown as it seems everyone now has the time to write and publish a book. I don’t often talk on my podcasts about the new books that have launched from one episode to the next. My Angel Dog Productions social media pages will generally showcase these books. The latest to go into production are:

  • The Genius That Saved Baseball by Robert Ingram
  • Seeing by Vision, Not by Sight by Amanda Heal
  • Braving Your Adversity by Rob Bare
  • There Must Be Some Way by Kathryn Perciful
  • Celebrating Your Gift of Life by James Donaldson
  • Preparing For Your Elder Years by Vincent Limbeti

Let me tell you a little about these books: Robert has dreamt about writing his baseball story for years and finally pushed into home plate. Amanda amazes me as she is blind and still pushed forward and wrote her book, when many seeing people have yet to accomplish this feat. Rob lost his wife to cancer and is living her legacy through his...

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084 - The Vibrational Resonance of Truth


Hey Guys! Nicole here!

I’m gonna get a little “woo-hoo” today. I’m taking this topic of truth a bit deeper as it seems I’ve opened up my intuitive nature once again. I do believe this all relates to book writing, as so much of the journey an author goes through is a battle of mind and presence. So, without further adieu, lets get into todays show about the vibrational resonance of truth…

Science, through Quantum Physics, is showing us that everything in our universe is energy—it has its own vibrational frequency.

Perhaps you have heard of the Law of Attraction? There is also the The Law of Vibration. Everything has its own vibrational frequency - the table, the cup, the vase - even our thoughts and feelings. It is all governed by The Law of Vibration.

I began to wonder if truth could be measured in some way and as I was meditating I heard my inner voice speak to me loud and clear that truth has a vibrational resonance. I know enough...

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083 - A Book Makes Opinion Fact


Hey Guys Nicole Gabriel here!

A book makes an opinion fact…have you ever thought about this? I mean really thought about this? When something is written it seems to be accepted in mainstream culture as fact. Something gets debated and well…so-and-so said it was true…see, it is written here. A quote seems to be gospel for truth, even though it’s simply a personal thought captured and repurposed. We all toss around these meme’s on social media like some kind of gospel for inspiration, motivation, or to provoke deep thought. But, how many of us are original thinkers with original thoughts and opinions?

Those that really take the time to get to know me know that I’m not the fun-time girl some would like to make my out to be. I’m blonde so I guess that comes with the territory. It’s been a battle I’ve fought my whole life…people that want to make you into the likeness that fits for them. I know from a more advanced and...

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082 - Standing for Truth


Hey guys! Nicole Gabriel here. As some of you know, my first book is titled Finding Your Inner Truth and in my book I share what became true for me during a period of time in my life. Throughout the book I tell my stories and ask the reader “what is true for you?”

The concept of truth I believe is based on our personal experiences…what is true for you may vary from someone else. These days it seems we are all asking what is true. For me (many years ago when I wrote my first book) when something was outside of the norm and different from what I was expecting or used to I began seeking answers. In many cases, especially early on, I went seeking outside of myself for these answers.

Why did this happen? Who is to blame? Why didn’t I know? Who’s responsibility was it to tell me? Do other people know this? If so, where are they and how do I find and unite with them? And what code of ethics or system can I apply my new found truth to? And, once I...

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060 - SPECIAL Episode: Finding Your Inner Truth - Awakening the Collective


Hey Guys Nicole Gabriel here!

Today’s show is my 60th episode and I decided for these little milestones to step outside of my typical podcast material and touch on a topic related to one of the books I’ve written. Today I’m going to step a bit outside of what is written but into the energy behind the making of my first book Finding Your Inner Truth.

So, what some of you don’t know is that I am also a practitioner of shamanism and kundalini yoga. I’ve studied many metaphysical and spiritual practices over many years. This might be the core foundation of the teaching practices I bring into the book writing processes I teach. I’m a healer and intuitive that often times oversteps the functional business practices to introduce human practices of love, compassion and truth.

My background and story are rich and diverse. I see well beyond the norm. I think all of us creative types do. Those that write books channel information from their higher...

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