Today’s Topic: We Are the Expert of Our Greatest Wounds - Writing an Impactful Book That Leads the Healing Journey…
I talked a bit about sitting with our greatest challenges in a blog post over on my personal page ( It’s a work in progress over there, but ultimately, I want to begin opening up about some of the challenges I’ve faced in my life and how those obstacles I’ve learned to overcome have turned into my life’s greatest strengths.
For many years I have watched how authors use a book to tell the story of what they’ve learned…on the other side of something they have come through. Many are cancer survivors, some have lost loved ones and are restructuring their lives, some are business leaders that have stepped up after many years of bootcamp in lower ranks, some have healed their sick children, and I’ve even had some authors that have been through sex changes and have had to say goodbye to...
Today’s Topic: Bella’s Utah Mountain Rescue - The Little Dog That Brought the Globe to Prayer
I’ve recently been through something that has forever altered me. I wanted to tell you the story of what happened but, since this is a podcast about writing a book, I wanted to keep it in alignment with the theme of book publishing. Everyone that witnessed the event told me I have the next book and I have to write about it. But, you know… its hard to think about that at the moment as I’m still digesting what happened out there on that mountain last Monday night.
It’s always my goal to try to keep topics in alignment with the topic of writing a book for this podcast. I’ve mentioned it before that my life seems to always be a bit too grand to keep that focus and I’ve talked about developing a completely new podcast, but because there are so many dynamics always in great flux in my life it’s hard to know how to position...
Today’s Topic: Writing a Legacy Book - Outlasting Web & Tech
There is one thing for sure that tech will never outdo - leave a lasting legacy! All things tech come and go… whether that is a quick instagram post, a social media page, or a website. They all get dated or obsolete at some point. And, I tell you this as someone that has an MBA in Technology Management. I’m not afraid of tech but I also know where the limitations are.
Have you ever gotten into a place where you weren’t sure if you were offering enough, not sure if you were sharing your true message, if you were misunderstood, you tried to make amends of something but maybe weren’t sure you hit the mark, or you wonder if you are even even being heard?
Let’s be honest, when you are a content creator you try to offer what people want to hear and you look at stats and what draws people into your world and when you find that thing they are interested in you create more of it....
Season 4 - Episode 126
Hey Guys! Nicole Gabriel here! I’m the host of the Let’s Get Your Book Published podcast. I’m also the author multiple books, a Book Designer, and a Publishing Coach as well as an intuitive Business Coach.
I’ve been in the book business for awhile now and I’ve helped many clients get their book published over the years. On this podcast I share personal stories, client stories, and the truths about the publishing industry….
Today’s Topic: Don’t Be A Copy Cat - Writing A Book in An Authentic Voice
On occasion I have a client come through from a referral coaching system and, generally…as a result, some tend to follow (nearly verbatim) the methodology of the coach that referred them. I guess, when you hire a coach, you listen to what they have to say and take their advice if you like the direction they have led you in to date. But, I’ve been watching some clients...
Hey Guys! Nicole Gabriel here! I’m the host of the Let’s Get Your Book Published podcast. I’m also the author multiple books, a Book Designer, and a Publishing Coach as well as an intuitive Business Coach.
I’ve been in the book business for awhile now and I’ve helped many clients get their book published over the years. On this podcast I share personal stories, client stories, and the truths about the publishing industry….
The subject of today’s podcast… What is an Intuitive Business Coach?
My Story
One of the things I rarely talk about in my podcasts is my work as an intuitive business coach. I’m writing this podcast on a cool and overcast morning here in Michigan and I’m still here with my family. It’s the fourth of July weekend and I’m always happy to celebrate that in the quiet of nature. I came to visit in October in what I refer to as my big “super...
Hey Guys! Nicole Gabriel here! I’m the host of the Let’s Get Your Book Published podcast. I’m also the author multiple books, a Book Designer, and a Publishing Coach as well as an intuitive Business Coach.
I’ve been in the book business for awhile now and I’ve helped many clients get their book published. On this podcast I share personal stories, client stories, and the truths about the publishing industry. Ultimately, I shoot to give you the truth about the publishing industry from a girl that’s been there and done that.
The subject of today’s podcast… The Frequency of “Not Enough” & Finding Your Tribe?
Boy if I only had a dollar for every time someone told me I wasn’t enough! But, enough of what exactly? And how does this relate to writing a book?
People are funny with their projections! I don’t pull my weight for the over-achiever. I don’t dress or carry myself the...
Let me first say that no one is too busy to write a book! It’s a myth. It’s a cop out. It’s a lie!
Hey Guys! Nicole Gabriel here! I’m the host of the Let’s Get Your Book Published podcast. I’m also the author of 4 books, a Book Designer, and a Publishing Coach as well as an intuitive Business Coach. I’ve been in the book business for awhile now. I’ve helped many clients get their book published over this time and I’ve learned many things. I share personal stories, client stories, and some of the truths about the publishing business here on this podcast. I love what I do but I don’t like seeing people being taken advantage of or given false promises on the journey to publishing their book. I do my best to keep things raw and real here and I don’t build you up with false promises of fortune and fame. I help you align the content of your book so that it returns the greatest value personally and professionally....
Hey Guys! Nicole Gabriel here!
How many times in life do we get to fulfill a desire? How many times do we ever even get asked what fires us up or fulfills a passion? It’s perhaps never been asked to some of us and for others it seems to be a question we may only ask early on as we enter college or later on as we pass through some major life turning point. I can even bet that many of us don’t even know what our passion is.
If you were asked - what do you feel called to do? Or, how do you wish to serve humanity? Would you even be able to answer that? Is the thing that you are doing now for your career the thing you always wished to do or did you just fall into it over time?
I, personally, have asked myself this question many times at several stages of my life. My answer has been numerous things, and at certain crossroads I have also based my answer on where I’m currently sitting. But, what if you could dive deep into your soul to determine and know without a...
No! No! No! No! No! You do not need permission to write a book!
You Guys want to know my most popular podcast episode? It’s the “Done Is Better Than Perfect” Episode!
Why Guys? Why? Seriously…why?
Before we get going to far along here, let me introduce myself… I’m Nicole Gabriel, the founder of the Let’s Get Your Book Published Program and former reluctant author of my first book that was ten years in the making…ten years you guys! And once I gave birth to that baby I gave birth to three more. I gave myself permission. And you know, I actually waited not just ten years to birth my book but during the editing process I was waiting for someone to tell me I had done a good job or to tell me “you can’t write that!” Or “fix that because it’s not perfect and someone will judge you!” And let me tell you that my first book was completely judge-worthy! I spilled the beans in that baby! I put myself...
Hey Guys!
Let’s talk about brainstorming book ideas…
I think you’ve heard me say this a few times, but I’ll say it again…you have to identify your passions, purpose, and values before you begin writing!
It’s important that your book and your business line up. You’re going to have a hard time sustaining energy about a topic that doesn’t interest you in six months to a year. You have to build your passion into the topics you write about and into every aspect of your business. You will do whatever it takes to push forward a mission or purpose that aligns with your passion and values. This is your inspiration.
Let me start by asking you…what reason do you have to bring into existence the information you are providing to your readers?
Whatever your answer, this all should be coming across in the branding of both your book (or books) and your business platform and social presence. Anyone showing up on your website or peering...
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