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137 - Book Funnels & Tech Layoffā€™s


Today’s Topic: Book Funnels & Tech Layoff’s. Using a Book to Secure Your Position

There were at least 154,000 layoffs from more than 1,000 tech companies last year, according to, a website that has been tracking tech layoffs since March 2020.

Google alone just let go 12,000 employees. Amazon let go of 18,000, Microsoft 10,000, 11,000 at Meta, 8,000 at Salesforce, and many more have followed suit, like Twitter (3,700), Uber, Cisco (4,100), Caravan (4,000), Peloton,, Airbnb, Instacart, Wayfair, Capital One, and so many more. What’s going on?

Many believe this has something to do with massive hiring at the height of covid and all the lockdowns. Amazon gained 800,000 employees between 2020-21, while google gained 52,000, Meta gained 27,000, Microsoft gained 58,000. Tech people are saying that Apple only slowly hired 17,000 and has yet to let any go. Many are saying that there is a re-normalizing occurring now. Basically,...

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105 - How Has Covid Impacted Your Life?


Hey Guys! Nicole Gabriel here! I’m the host of the Let’s Get Your Book Published podcast. I’m also the author multiple books, a Book Designer, and a Publishing Coach as well as an intuitive Business Coach.

I’ve been in the book business for awhile now and I’ve helped many clients get their book published over the years. On this podcast I share personal stories, client stories, and the truths about the publishing industry….


The subject of today’s podcast… How Has Covid Impacted Your Life? Do You Have A Story to Tell?

There isn’t a person alive today that hasn’t been impacted in some way by these times. Have you lost a loved one? Did you or a family member become ill and overcome it? Did you loose a job or have your career impacted in some way? How have you struggled and have you prevailed? What did you learn in isolation about yourself or how you live? Did you have a massive awakening or...

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