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145 - Why Every Coach Should Write A Book


Today’s Topic: Why Every Coach Should Write A Book: Establishing Your Authority and Defining Your Center of Expertise

We are going to talk about why a coach should write a book, but before we do let’s talk about why you haven’t. Most people haven’t written a book because of fear… because, let’s be honest… if you want to do something bad enough, your going to find a way to do it.

But, maybe you just don’t know how a book would serve you. I mean, a lot of people think of it like a vanity project. Writing a book has become a bit more common these days than it used to be, but there is still a certain amount of stature a book holds in many circles.

But, putting ego aside, a book is actually not just one of the best things you can do for marketing yourself and your business, but it can also serve as a great platform for setting yourself up as an expert in your field.

Where I personally find a book to be the most useful is when it...

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133 - 5 Smart Steps for Getting Your Business Book Manuscript Done


Today’s Topic: 5 Smart Steps for Getting Your Business Book Manuscript Done—Building Out a Turn-Key Platform

I believe one of the greatest tools for you to professionally highlight yourself is to write a book on a topic you have mastery in. If you’ve been hanging around the speaking or coaching environment for awhile you will learn quickly that many people in this world have a book. Actually, many of them have more than one book. I find however, that many outside of this industry haven’t learned to capitalize on this to get ahead in their field. Even if you aren’t self employed, writing a book can help get you noticed. But, it tends to be the self-employed entrepreneur that uses a book to either pivot into something new, to provide teaching material for their team, or to simply draw additional awareness to themself as a go-getter.

Although, my system can work with a writer of any genre, it is the entrepreneurial spirit that I find myself...

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131 - Do I Have Enough Pages for a Manuscript?


Today’s Topic: Do I have enough pages for a manuscript? Building content for your book…

What is it that takes people over the edge from thinking about writing a book to actually completing one? Generally passion and purpose are foremost. But, of course, there also has to be a drive to complete it with a strong reason to do so. And, once you are over the edge with purpose, developing content is key… But, how to you know if you have enough content to make a book?

People usually ask me: “How many pages do you have to write to actually have enough for a solid book?” Well… it’s actually not about pages, but more about word count.

Pages are kinda irrelevant since most word documents are 8.5 x 11” and a typical book page is about half of that at 6 x 9”. And with spacing and font size it can be hard to know what it will actually convert into. So, in the book world we go by word count. Generally most New York quality books...

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111 - How Do You Form A Business Book Manuscript?

manuscript Aug 25, 2021

Hey Guys! Nicole Gabriel here! I’m the host of the Let’s Get Your Book Published podcast. I’m also the author multiple books, a Book Designer, and a Publishing Coach as well as an intuitive Business Coach.

I’ve been in the book business for awhile now and I’ve helped many clients get their book published over the years. On this podcast I share personal stories, client stories, and the truths about the publishing industry….


Today’s Podcast:
How Do You Form A Business Book Manuscript?  5 Simple Steps

It’s been a busy time in the publishing world and I seriously cannot believe my last episode was recorded 2 weeks ago! I’ve been telling people I swear it’s like I just wake up and my head is back on the pillow and my day is done! Time is moving along at warp speed! We have most certainly been through some challenging times as of late! I know there is that old saying that time flies when...

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092 - What Does A Book Manuscript Look Like?


Hi Guys Nicole Gabriel here! I’m the host of the Let’s Get Your Book Published show and happy to be here with you here today!

Many times I write my podcasts between clients. I’m busy in my head analyzing what the week has brought me and what I have both learned and shared with each client I’ve worked with. It has been a surprisingly quiet week so far…and a rather unusual, but nice time to back up and engage in some strategic thinking, re-working old systems, organizing, and thinking. I honestly don’t get many weeks like this. I’ve had a bit more new client engagement in the last few weeks than usual and I suppose when we have little trends that hit our business we ask what is working and what isn’t. So, I’m thankful for all the new areas I’ve been stretched into this week. It’s always a gift to talk with hopeful new authors—both to find out what they are working on and what inspires them as well as to...

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065 - I Suck At Writing!

challenges manuscript Aug 25, 2020

So you know you need a book for exposure and credibility, but you think you will never get it done unless either a miracle happens or you find someone to write it for you. Sound familiar?

Well, this is where many people either make the costly mistake of hiring a ghostwriter or just never write their book and plain ole give up because they suck at writing!

Hey guys! Nicole Gabriel here!

I know that sometimes life takes over and all those ideas floating around in your head that you think one day will go into a book are still all busy in there hanging out taking up space dying to get out!

Did I ever tell you that it took me ten years to birth my first book? Finally one day it literally just exploded out on the pages. And, let me tell you, it wasn’t pretty! I literally page vomited it out everywhere! It was ugly! The words, the tears, the whole thing…just ugly! But, after ten years it came out in just ten days. But it was a mess! It kinda reminded me of the days when I...

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013 - Starting off the New Year with a Book Manuscript

2020 manuscript Jan 01, 2020

Happy New Year! Today is the first blank page in your 365 page book. Are you off to writing a good one? Literally! Are you?

So, you want to write a book and you have no idea where to start. I want to talk about how to get started. I know you’ve been thinking about it for awhile and you want to step into this decade as an author. 

If you’ve been listening to my shows you know that I’m a huge proponent of a few things as it relates to your book: 

  1. Aligning with your values, goals, and objectives outside the book (your platform)
  2. Using your book as a tool to leverage the material in other communication or training, and 
  3. Using the book to set you apart and position you as an expert on your subject

If you’ve been listening for awhile you’ve heard some of this already so I won’t repeat myself, but now you’re ready to get started with some brainstorming but your not exactly sure where to start. 

In my podcast yesterday...

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