Today’s Topic: Fire and Fury: The Maui Fires Book That Appeared While Fires Were Still Burning
I had a completely different podcast that I had written and planned to record today, but the truth is that my temper was burning when I saw this book appear while the fires will still burning on Maui. For those that don’t know, I lived on Maui for several years. I ate lunch in Lahaina daily at Choice Health Bar. As many of us did, I watched the events of those days in horror of what was occurring. It was my home! I know that area and I know that this is just not something that occurs there! My dogs and I hiked in the west maui mountains daily. We went up via the jeep trail and made out way to the top for the vast open views over Lahaina. We used to sit up there and watch whales in the distance on occasion. We’ve also been shut out of there from an occasional brush fire. We have also witnessed flames being doused with helicopter water dumps from the ocean, over...
Today’s Topic: I’m Writing A Book, But Not Sure I Want to Take It to Print… What Other Options Do I Have?
I know it might sound a little bit strange that someone would take the time to compile a manuscript for any other reason than printing it as a book, but there are many reasons my clients come to me unsure whether or not printing their manuscript makes sense. I think the first concern is cost. The cost to print a book has not just doubled, but tripled during covid.
One of my recent clients couldn’t afford to print hard cover books, but he was able to afford what is called an 8-page gate-fold cover. This is a softcover book, but it has a thicker paper and flaps that fold in kind of like a hard cover book. You just can’t remove the jacket. He had a 356 page book and his printing cost for 250 6 x 9 books was $2,500, not including shipping. He’s selling his books for $29.95. This is a cost of $10/book.
Another recent client produced...
Today’s Topic: Book Cover Mistakes & Lessons - There’s Far More to the Cover Than Meets the Eye!
OK first off I’m gonna just spill the beans! I just got fired! I’ve been doing all things book for a long time and I’m fine making myself vulnerable for both of us to learn. I’m good at what I do, but occasionally I’m just not a fit for someone. I have no hard feelings so don’t get me wrong. Not all relationships are bliss.
Since my client fired me I think its pretty safe to say we can talk about what went wrong without doing any harm. In other words, I don’t think she’s tuning into my podcast! And, I can share some lessons she and I both learned in the process so this kind of thing doesn’t happen to you in the future!
It’s been so long I can’t remember the exact date, but I think its safe to say that about 3 years ago this client came to me to let me know she was writing a book and planned to hire...
Today’s Topic: Why Every Coach Should Write A Book: Establishing Your Authority and Defining Your Center of Expertise
We are going to talk about why a coach should write a book, but before we do let’s talk about why you haven’t. Most people haven’t written a book because of fear… because, let’s be honest… if you want to do something bad enough, your going to find a way to do it.
But, maybe you just don’t know how a book would serve you. I mean, a lot of people think of it like a vanity project. Writing a book has become a bit more common these days than it used to be, but there is still a certain amount of stature a book holds in many circles.
But, putting ego aside, a book is actually not just one of the best things you can do for marketing yourself and your business, but it can also serve as a great platform for setting yourself up as an expert in your field.
Where I personally find a book to be the most useful is when it...
Today’s Topic: I Didn’t Know About eBook Pirating - Digital Designers, Protections & Self Publishing Mistakes…
Where do we start with today’s episode? I’ve been in the marketing, advertising, and book business for most of my career and the one thing that gets under the skin as a professional in any industry is when someone has a quick fix solution or work around for the thing you do professionally with great pride.
Now, it’s not something to get agitated about, because business people need quick solutions and that’s why services like Canva or Fiverr or some of the others are so successful. You have a need and there is a quick fix solution to keep rolling along in your business. But, there’s a huge difference between digital and print that is a bit challenging to explain to someone that doesn’t have a background in it.
Print is nearly obsolete these days outside of the book industry. Most things go into a system and...
Today’s Topic: Book Funnels & Tech Layoff’s. Using a Book to Secure Your Position
There were at least 154,000 layoffs from more than 1,000 tech companies last year, according to, a website that has been tracking tech layoffs since March 2020.
Google alone just let go 12,000 employees. Amazon let go of 18,000, Microsoft 10,000, 11,000 at Meta, 8,000 at Salesforce, and many more have followed suit, like Twitter (3,700), Uber, Cisco (4,100), Caravan (4,000), Peloton,, Airbnb, Instacart, Wayfair, Capital One, and so many more. What’s going on?
Many believe this has something to do with massive hiring at the height of covid and all the lockdowns. Amazon gained 800,000 employees between 2020-21, while google gained 52,000, Meta gained 27,000, Microsoft gained 58,000. Tech people are saying that Apple only slowly hired 17,000 and has yet to let any go. Many are saying that there is a re-normalizing occurring now. Basically,...
First let me say Happy New Year! If a book is on the agenda for 2023 - we can help!
We talked about the back end business of your book in the last episode, but now I want to talk about a great tool that will not just build your website to sell your books from, but it will grow with you as you build out your platform.
When you are new to writing a book there is so much information out there for you to digest as a new author. Bridging all the functional elements together can be overwhelming. Every approach is unique. When you first think about writing a book and you begin a few random online searches you will likely first get hit with all the support for making a best-seller. As you start to weed through the information available you will probably learn that many systems make promises for high returns on sales, while others talk about speed and getting your book done quickly. But, in general you will find very few systems that are designed to support you by actually designing...
Hey guys! I thought perhaps I could squeeze in another podcast episode before Christmas. I don’t know about you, but I have family already in town and it always makes it a bit more challenging to stay focused on business and close out the year. Balancing the holidays as a self-employed entrepreneur can often mean you aren’t exactly beating to the same drum as others with free time to burn. When people see that you are home that often means that you are available. If you’re self-employed I know you understand this dilemma.
Sitting down to write and record a podcast isn’t always easy, but most of my clients are busy with holiday preparations so I had some quiet time to get caught up and ahead. We have a giant storm blowing through here in the midwest and while everyone else is preparing meals, last minute shopping, and cleaning for guests, I’ve been trying to put plans in place for what I’d like to see in my business in 2023. How...
Today’s Topic: 5 Smart Steps for Getting Your Business Book Manuscript Done—Building Out a Turn-Key Platform
I believe one of the greatest tools for you to professionally highlight yourself is to write a book on a topic you have mastery in. If you’ve been hanging around the speaking or coaching environment for awhile you will learn quickly that many people in this world have a book. Actually, many of them have more than one book. I find however, that many outside of this industry haven’t learned to capitalize on this to get ahead in their field. Even if you aren’t self employed, writing a book can help get you noticed. But, it tends to be the self-employed entrepreneur that uses a book to either pivot into something new, to provide teaching material for their team, or to simply draw additional awareness to themself as a go-getter.
Although, my system can work with a writer of any genre, it is the entrepreneurial spirit that I find myself...
Hey Guys! Nicole Gabriel here! I’m the host of the Let’s Get Your Book Published podcast. I’m also the author multiple books, a Book Designer, and a Publishing Coach as well as an intuitive Business Coach.
I’ve been in the book business for awhile now and I’ve helped many clients get their book published over the years. On this podcast I share personal stories, client stories, and the truths about the publishing industry….
Today’s Topic: How Do I Sell My Self-Published Book?
This is the question every single author has and let me start by telling you that every approach is as different as every result.
We’re gonna jump right in today…If you tuned in to my last podcast, I talked about a client that printed 300 copies of her children’s book and still has many of them sitting in boxes unsold. Well…she is now producing a novel and decided to go to a different Designer, not me, to...
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