Hey Guys! Nicole Gabriel here!
How many times in life do we get to fulfill a desire? How many times do we ever even get asked what fires us up or fulfills a passion? It’s perhaps never been asked to some of us and for others it seems to be a question we may only ask early on as we enter college or later on as we pass through some major life turning point. I can even bet that many of us don’t even know what our passion is.
If you were asked - what do you feel called to do? Or, how do you wish to serve humanity? Would you even be able to answer that? Is the thing that you are doing now for your career the thing you always wished to do or did you just fall into it over time?
I, personally, have asked myself this question many times at several stages of my life. My answer has been numerous things, and at certain crossroads I have also based my answer on where I’m currently sitting. But, what if you could dive deep into your soul to determine and know without a...
No! No! No! No! No! You do not need permission to write a book!
You Guys want to know my most popular podcast episode? It’s the “Done Is Better Than Perfect” Episode!
Why Guys? Why? Seriously…why?
Before we get going to far along here, let me introduce myself… I’m Nicole Gabriel, the founder of the Let’s Get Your Book Published Program and former reluctant author of my first book that was ten years in the making…ten years you guys! And once I gave birth to that baby I gave birth to three more. I gave myself permission. And you know, I actually waited not just ten years to birth my book but during the editing process I was waiting for someone to tell me I had done a good job or to tell me “you can’t write that!” Or “fix that because it’s not perfect and someone will judge you!” And let me tell you that my first book was completely judge-worthy! I spilled the beans in that baby! I put myself...
I’ve been helping new authors to self publish their books for the last decade. Over this time I’ve watched many books go into production. And one of the largest themes authors write about across the board is the journey of self-discovery. After all, it’s human nature to discuss what we’ve overcome. We have an inherent need to share our pains and struggles. Perhaps we are looking for approval, perhaps it’s necessary for the human spirit to heal, maybe it’s to find those like-minded wounded or healed souls to gain a compassionate ear, or maybe we have now learned something we wish to share to help others?
Everyone’s motivation is just slightly different and the outcomes are as unique as the stories told. We are all learning and growing in our human experience and writing gives us the opportunity to share the obstacles we’ve overcome.
One of the greatest challenges a writer faces is getting up the courage to bleed onto the pages...
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