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059 - What Makes A Best Seller?

best seller Jul 30, 2020

Hi Guys! Nicole Gabriel here!

I wanted to talk about a best seller, but I want to remind you that I don’t believe in best sellers as a key reason for writing your book. But, what I do look at is the business principles behind the concepts. These concepts should be looked at by every self-published author in order to grow a stronger platform.

There are a few rules for every bestseller list and how to get your book on them. And please note that I’ve done a few podcasts where we talk about the idea that most self-published authors will never become a best-seller. So, keep in mind that it’s highly unlikely this will occur for you.

There are two main principles that make up most best-seller lists. They are determined by the number of sales and the reporting of those sales.

Before I get into the major bestseller lists and their particular rules, there are two principles that apply to all of them—number of books sold and the reporting for those books...

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058 - Are you an Authorpreneur?

authorpreneur Jul 23, 2020

What is an authorpreneur? It’s a mix of two words “author” + “entrepreneur”. Authorpreneurs apply entrepreneurial skills and mindset to making a sustainable and ongoing living using a book. Are you trying to use a book to grow your business?

Hey guys! Nicole here!

There really are two kinds of authors…

  1. The writer looking to sell books and the business around their books, and
  2. The entrepreneur looking to write a book to get ahead in their business.

An author needs to become entrepreneurial if they want long term success…whatever category you fall into.

If you have the attitude…I will just put it out there and see what happens you are not an authorprenuer! An authorpreneur looks at writing a book with a different attitude…by choosing to do things to create awareness about why they are writing the book in the first place.

Business owners, authors, and impact changers are using a book to create value from ideas (out of...

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057 - Designing A Book with Title in Mind

cover design design Jul 16, 2020

Hi Guys! Nicole Gabriel here!

I’ve been working on the design and layout of so many books lately and one of the things to consider when taking your book to the layout and design phase is how well you’ve thought out your title…and all the key words on your book cover.

Clearly the title of your book is one of the most important things when it comes to writing a book. Unless the title both makes sense and draws attention it may never be found and most certainly never read. But, as a book designer and author for many years, there are certain ways to design a book that makes the title stand out even more.

I have a chapter in my Let’s Get Your Book Published book that talks about titles, subtitles, tag lines, and even colors. I also talk about all of this in my online book publishing training program. You can download my eBook for $2.99 on Amazon if you’d like to learn more. Turn to chapter 8 for cover design. In this chapter I also talk about standard...

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056 - Using A Book to Tell the World Who You Are

who you are Jul 14, 2020

The fact is that if you don’t shout out to the world who you are and what you do, no one is going to do it for you.

A book gives you the opportunity to stand out from the crowd, to position yourself as a specialist in something. It allows you to pivot into something new or expand beyond what you are known for.

Hi Guys! Nicole Gabriel here…

I want you to not just look at a book as a way to tell as story, but I want you to look at it as an opportunity to showcase or broadcast your gifts, identify your strengths, or further define your specialties.

If you look at the areas in your career where you are reiterating yourself you might find a book serves by giving you the ability to better automate the areas of overlap or repetition.

Let’s say for example, you are a chiropractor. You have a bunch of case histories you might like to share with your patients. This could aid them in healing, but it will also aid you as the doctor from having to repeat them. You can...

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055 - The Experiential Author


So many authors struggle with knowing they want to write a book but not knowing how to drum up the content. You’ve heard me talk about this many times if you’ve listened to any of my podcasts…and you know that I believe a book should ultimately be aligned with your goals, values, and visions personally and professionally. But, I’m gonna approach this a bit differently today. 

Hi Guys! Nicole Gabriel here! 

The best advise I can give you is to get out there and live!

You know, apparently I have a great life for being an author because every time I share a tidbit of my life someone tells me “you know, you should write a book!”. I never really planned for my life to be so grand. In fact, I was reflecting during a long road trip I just returned from. I was thinking about the plan I had for my life and how life has turned out. I know I’ve talked to parents that say the same about having kids…there is the way you envision...

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054 - Done Is Better Than Perfect!

done perfect Jun 26, 2020

Have you come across this phrase yet? I’ve heard this phrase has been seen on the walls at the Facebook offices. And, for sure, this applies to writing a book!

Hey Guys! Nicole Gabriel here! 

It has been said that this is not about coming up with ideas; it’s about believing in them…and having an attitude that compels you to run with the idea before it’s too late.

I liked what author Anne Lamott said about perfectionism:

“Perfectionism is the voice of the oppressor, the enemy of the people. It will keep you cramped and insane your whole life, and it is the main obstacle between you and a shitty first draft. I think perfectionism is based on the obsessive belief that if you run carefully enough, hitting each stepping-stone just right, you won’t have to die. The truth is that you will die anyway and that a lot of people who aren’t even looking at their feet are going to do a whole lot better than you, and have a lot more fun while...

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053 - How Do I Sell My Book? (Special Fathers Day Tribute)

fathers day marketing sales Jun 21, 2020

Hey Guys! Nicole here!

I was just helping out a book design client by getting him set up with a website designer.

I had so many things to say when he made the request but, as you will see here in a minute, it’s a larger discussion… so I took it to a podcast.

When most authors finish a book the next logical step is to begin to sell it. This reminds me of the days when I was first out of college and I began one of my first jobs selling Cutco cutlery…remember those days? (The birth of network marketing companies) One of the things they taught us as new sales people was to say this statement after we presented our fab cutlery…”I would not being doing my job if I didn’t ask you this question…” they taught us to ask for the sale. They said it’s great to do a wonderful presentation, but if you never ask for the sale you may never get it.

Why does this remind me of this time? 

Well…many years later I realized what...

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052 - Why Every Bestseller ListĀ is Always aĀ Lie!

bestseller truth Jun 19, 2020

Hi Guys! Hope you’re doing well and you’re hanging in there during these historical times.

As someone that is empathic and has studied a multitude of metaphysical and spiritual practices over the years I have a few habits I have developed. When I wrote my book Finding Your Inner Truth I knew that to master something was to teach it. I assumed as a writer I would also be asked to share what I wrote…perhaps the role of a teacher. I guess you could say that I was (and still am) seeking to master my truth. For me, truth has always been what is true for me and based on my personal experiences.

When I begin any new client project I hold each moment in a sacred space. I understand that, for most of my authors, writing a book is a bucket list item and one that is cause for great celebration. I cry right along with each author as they move through the process of writing and publishing their book. I celebrate their victory right along side of them. I know what it...

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051 - Oh No You Didnā€™t!

criticism truth Jun 15, 2020

Hey Guys I’m gonna jump right in here today!

What’s got you pissed off? Are you so tired of the neigh-sayers? Are you so tired of the division and the arguing? Are you even more tired of not shining as you stand in your truth?

If you know me, then you know I’m my clients greatest advocate for speaking, living, and being in their truth. It’s what my first book (Finding Your Inner Truth) encourages in fact.

In my many years of study as a yogi and shamanic healer I have learned such wonderful foundational lessons for removing ego, standing in a place of non-judgement, and tearing down the barriers and obstacles that are keeping one form shining in their authentic self. 

As a writer, the world is our oyster as they say…we can cultivate either an imaginary reality or showcase our empowered self through the power of the word…your word! 

During these challenging times I’ve been judged as “white privileged” by someone...

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050 - Fun in Your Mobile Business!

mobile business Jun 13, 2020

Hey Guys Nicole Gabriel here!

Today is a super exciting day for us here at Let’s Get Your Book Published! My pups and I will be making a giant road trip from Utah over to Florida to pick up our new mobile office! We are welcoming a 36’ long RV into our family. What an adventure we are gonna to have! 

I don’t have much to teach you here today, as I simply wanted to chat and share with you our little celebration and what’s going on in my life behind the scenes.

If you’ve ever wanted to take your home office with you on the road then you know what an exciting journey this is going to be for us! Maybe you’ve thought of doing the same? 

Over the years I’ve had to learn how to get my business more mobile. I have a regular list of incoming clients but I’ve had a constant state of change while trying to keep up.  

I started my book publishing business over on the island of Maui almost a decade ago now and I needed to...

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