Be sure to check out our podcasts and YouTube videos at the bottom of the page!

098 - The Challenges of Conscious Living


Hey Guys! Nicole Gabriel here! I’m the host of the Let’s Get Your Book Published podcast. I’m also the author multiple books, a Book Designer, and a Publishing Coach as well as an intuitive Business Coach.

I’ve been in the book business for awhile now and I’ve helped many clients get their book published. On this podcast I share personal stories, client stories, and the truths about the publishing industry.

I love what I do but I don’t like seeing people being taken advantage of or given false promises on the journey to publishing their book.

I do my best to keep things real here and that means I won’t build you up with false promises of fortune and fame to influence you for my benefit. If you are a new author, you might not understand the importance of this, but the greatest gift I can give you is that I help you align the content of your book so that it returns the greatest value personally and professionally.…this...

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097 - What Happens After You Write A Book?


Hey Guys! Nicole Gabriel here! I’m the host of the Let’s Get Your Book Published podcast. I’m also the author multiple books, a Book Designer, and a Publishing Coach as well as an intuitive Business Coach.

I’ve been in the book business for awhile now and I’ve helped many clients get their book published. On this podcast I share personal stories, client stories, and the truths about the publishing industry.

I love what I do but I don’t like seeing people being taken advantage of or given false promises on the journey to publishing their book.

I do my best to keep things real here and that means I won’t build you up with false promises of fortune and fame to influence you for my benefit. If you are a new author, you might not understand the importance of this, but the greatest gift I can give you is that I help you align the content of your book so that it returns the greatest value personally and professionally.…this...

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096 - Iā€™m Too Busy To Write A Book!


Let me first say that no one is too busy to write a book! It’s a myth. It’s a cop out. It’s a lie!

Hey Guys! Nicole Gabriel here! I’m the host of the Let’s Get Your Book Published podcast. I’m also the author of 4 books, a Book Designer, and a Publishing Coach as well as an intuitive Business Coach. I’ve been in the book business for awhile now. I’ve helped many clients get their book published over this time and I’ve learned many things. I share personal stories, client stories, and some of the truths about the publishing business here on this podcast. I love what I do but I don’t like seeing people being taken advantage of or given false promises on the journey to publishing their book. I do my best to keep things raw and real here and I don’t build you up with false promises of fortune and fame. I help you align the content of your book so that it returns the greatest value personally and professionally....

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095 - Organizing Your Business Using Kajabi


Wow guys! I’m super excited to have had this little break lately in my business. There truly are gifts in this time.

I’m Nicole Gabriel, by the way, and the host of the Let’s Get Your Book Published podcast.

Over the last week I have been in between clients. It’s often this happens in my business when one client finishes writing a book and goes off to the printer and another has just completed the book cover design but not ready for the interior book layout yet. I get a break to re-group!

For me…THIS is a GLORIOUS time to play catch-up. But, this time in particular has been simply awesome. I adore what I do for a living and every day that I get to do what I do I am blessed beyond words. I have fought really hard throughout my life to find my calling and doing what I do for my career is a large part of stepping into it! Every day I’m truly blessed. I thank my clients and you, my listeners!

As an entrepreneur we sometimes have to fight extra...

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094 - Are You A Leader or Are You Following the Crowd?

leader Apr 04, 2021

Hey Guys! Nicole Gabriel here! Happy April! I was sitting here on Easter Sunday and just enjoying the sunshine and a wonderful macadamia nut cashew nut milk mocha latte (seriously ,that’s a mouth full!) and decided now was a good time for a podcast. I was thinking about leaders verses followers and how those little plateaus in life are a great time to reflect and that means it’s also a great time to write!

I found this quote the other day that I wanted to share…I’m not sure who the author is, but I think this quote is fitting for the times we are in now.

“When you follow the crowd you loose yourself, but when you follow your spirit you will loose the crowd. Eventually your spirit tribe will appear, but do not fear the process of solitude. Embrace and trust the process.”

Does this sound a bit like you at the moment? I know it does me. There is such a massive shift happening on the planet right now. I’ve been telling people for a...

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093 - The Truth About Using A Book to Grow Your Business

Uncategorized Mar 31, 2021

Fact is many coaches will tell you that a book is the greatest marketing secret for you and your business, but are you writing worthwhile content readers want once they open the pages?

Hey Guys! Nicole Gabriel here, the host of the Let’s Get Your Book Published podcast. I’m back again and dropping more truth bombs! What can I say, but it’s in my blood! After writing 4 books of my own and learning from my mistakes I’m here to help you get it right from the beginning. I know that much of what I say here is not always something you can know until you go through the process of doing this just once so you can see for yourself. But, trust me…once is all you need if you get it right! Of course, it’s so much fun that once you do it once, you’ll want to write multiple books!

I’ve titled this podcast: The Truth About Using A Book to Grow You Business.

First things first, it’s obvious that you need to identify your audience because if...

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092 - What Does A Book Manuscript Look Like?


Hi Guys Nicole Gabriel here! I’m the host of the Let’s Get Your Book Published show and happy to be here with you here today!

Many times I write my podcasts between clients. I’m busy in my head analyzing what the week has brought me and what I have both learned and shared with each client I’ve worked with. It has been a surprisingly quiet week so far…and a rather unusual, but nice time to back up and engage in some strategic thinking, re-working old systems, organizing, and thinking. I honestly don’t get many weeks like this. I’ve had a bit more new client engagement in the last few weeks than usual and I suppose when we have little trends that hit our business we ask what is working and what isn’t. So, I’m thankful for all the new areas I’ve been stretched into this week. It’s always a gift to talk with hopeful new authors—both to find out what they are working on and what inspires them as well as to...

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091 - Don't Use A Literary Agent!


Hey Guys! Nicole Gabriel here!

I hope you’re doing well and staying balanced in these strange times we are living in. We’ve all had to make many adjustments in how we live and do business with all the changes happening in the workplace and at home. Personally, I find this to be a time of great transformation. Every fiber of our world that isn’t standing on truth seems to be crumbling all around us. Of course, if you’ve listened to any of my podcasts on truth its something that runs deep in my veins to discuss and disclose. It seems I can’t stop myself from discerning intention, integrity, and ripping the mask off of deception, censorship, and trickery.

The fluctuations in the publishing industry have certainly been interesting to watch as it’s been my opinion that so much of what occurs here has deceived us for many years. Often I can’t stop myself when I’ve found those places where the system takes advantage of unassuming...

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090 - Top 5 Tips Get Started Writing Your Book Today!


I’m Nicole Gabriel, the host of the show. And, I’m happy you joined me here today! I’ve worked in the publishing industry for awhile now and I’ve seen many things over the years. I began my career in the advertising business back in the early 90’s. I’ve worked for all the top ad agencies. I began my career at McCann Erickson, then worked my way into J. Walter Thompson, Young & Rubicam, and then went over to the client side and did my time in executive management in all the American auto companies - General Motors, Ford, and (at the time) Daimler Chrysler. I was in the business back in the days of George magazine. I was there at the birth of the internet. I was on a few teams that built the very first websites for many in the automotive business. Some days it feels like it was another lifetime ago, but the basics of the advertising and marketing business are the same no matter the media used. I surrounded myself with brand management...

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089 - 5 Publishing Truth Bombs!


Wow Guys! What a week it was last week!

So much happening in the world right now! It’s an amazing (and challenging) time to be here!

I’m Nicole Gabriel, the host of the show. And, I’m happy you joined me here today!

I’m on a roll with the truth bombs, now it’s time I let you know that most people really don’t care to hear them! The publishing industry is a funny world. People have this idea of fortune and fame the other side of a written book. But, the success, like in many fields, is in the hustle.

There’s a wonderful quote by Mark Twain that says:

“It’s easier to fool people than to convince them they have been fooled.


There is another quote that says:

“If you repeat a lie often enough it becomes truth.”


There is another that say:

“Silence is the best reply to a fool.”


But…when you run a podcast and write books this last one stands no chance! In fact, as a self-published...

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